BIG SPLIT 26 proceeds support purchase of TWO HUMAN TOUCH WHOLE BODY MASSAGE CHAIRS for Staff Wellness! 

Big Split 26 is a unique take on a 50-50 raffle. While 50% of the proceeds from ticket sales are given out as prizes, the other 50% is used to purchase much needed equipment for St. Joseph's Care Group (SJCG). In the first 2 years pf this draw we have been able to purchase $47,893 worth of equipment! 

This year we received a special request from the SJCG Wellness Committee. The committee wanted to provide Human Touch Whole Body Massage Chairs at various SJCG sites for staff to use. These chairs would allow staff to take 15 minutes from their hectic day to relax and unwind so they could continue their valuable work of caring for clients. 

St. Joseph's Foundation, through Big Split 26 proceeds, was able to fund the purchase of 2 massage chairs in addition to the 3 chairs the committee was able to purchase. 

The chairs provide the same health and therapeutic benefits of a traditional massage including relief of stress, tension, muscle soreness and improved blood flow. Human Touch massage chairs are currently in use at 28 other healthcare organizations in Ontario. 

St. Joseph's Foundation would like to THANK all of those who have purchased a Big Split 26 and Grand a Day ticket, as your support ensures that we can help to provide for the comfort and safety of clients as well as staff wellbeing at SJCG. 

Tickets for the 2017 draws are still available! Call 768-4411 to purchase a ticket.

annette massage chair