Donations for SJCG NRD

St. Joseph’s Foundation of Thunder Bay accepts and manages all donations on behalf of St. Joseph's Care Group.

Where possible, donations will be allocated to funds for the designated program or area of need as requested by the donor. All unrestricted funds will be allocated to the Foundation General fund account.


St. Joseph’s Foundation of Thunder Bay will consider granting funds to St. Joseph’s Care Group
for the following:

  1. Minor Equipment
  2. Capital Equipment
  3. Capital Renovations
  4. Special Projects
  5. Other purposes the Foundation Board of Directors may grant, from time to time.


SJCG management staff with appropriate approval may request to access funds for the purchase of items up to $3,000 total cost.

SJCG Vice-President’s may request to access funds for the purchase of Capital Items over $3,000. Any requests for support over $3000.00 will require Leadership Team approval.